Thursday 20 September 2018

resident Trump to North Carolina Resident: 'At Least You Got a Nice Boat out Of the Deal'

President Trump  to North Carolina Resident: 'At Least You Got a Nice Boat out Of the Deal' 

As part of his trip to the Carolinas to survey storm damage by Florence, President Donald Trump on Wednesday toured homes along River Drive in New Bern, a low-lying neighborhood of brick and
clapboard houses that was swamped by the Neuse River.
“We’re giving you a lot of help,” Trump said to one resident.
“Do you want to see my house? It’s over there,” another resident said, pointing to a badly damaged yellow house across the street.
Trump crossed the street to a small brick house, where he stopped to greet an older man in the T-shirt. Behind the house, a large yacht had washed ashore and was shipwrecked against the wooden deck.
He gazed at the yacht, saying, “Is this your boat?” The owner said no. Trump turned and replied with smile, “At least you got a nice boat out of the deal.”

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