Wednesday 10 October 2018

Bellingcat Names 2nd Skripal Poisoning Suspect as Russian GRU Agent

Bellingcat Names 2nd Skripal Poisoning Suspect as Russian GRU Agent

Investigative website Bellingcat has identified the second suspect in the nerve-agent attack on former Russian spy Sergei Skripal in Britain as a military
doctor employed by Russia's GRU military intelligence agency. Last month, British prosecutors charged two Russians -- Ruslan Boshirov and Aleksandr Petrov -- with attempted murder for carrying out the poisoning of Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, with the Novichok nerve toxin in the southern English city earlier this year.

The prosecutors said at the time the two were undercover GRU officers. Russia has repeatedly denied any involvement in the Skripals' attempted murder. "We have now identified 'Aleksandr Petrov' to be in fact Dr Aleksandr Yevgenyevich Mishkin, a trained military doctor in the employ of the GRU," the British-based group said in a report published on its website.

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