Monday 22 October 2018

How Your Phone's Blue Light Could Be Damaging Your Skin

How Your Phone's Blue Light Could Be Damaging Your Skin

Blue light, part of the spectrum of visible light, is a high-energy, short-wavelength light. It plays a critical role in maintaining good health, as it regulates our natural sleep-wake cycle.

Recently, you might have noticed some of your favorite skin-care brands coming out with blue-light-fighting products — so, does that mean it's damaging your skin?

Journal of Investigative Dermatology, in 2010, found that exposing skin to the amount of blue light we get from the sun caused more pigment, redness, and swelling than when the same person's skin was exposed to comparable levels of UVA rays.

The effects were only observed in people with darker skin tones, but the researchers noted that pigmentation also lasted longer.

Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, suggested that exposure to blue light might stimulate the production of free radicals in the skin, which can accelerate the appearance of ageing.

"Visible light triggers certain skin conditions, such as melasma, where the skin is stimulated to produce more pigment," say dermatologists.

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