Friday 5 December 2014

how to save a chocked person

a very simple way to save a person chocked,try had to let them understand they dieing and heling them out,because while they are there in problem they do not know what is really going on with them,that why if you see a person that is chock neither by drinking water nor food,there is one very important to follow which is tell the person to hold his or her breath for a moment.why?,because once he keep on   breathing in and out what ever substance that gat him or her chock willhung on  his or  her throut the only passage for air coming and going out will be blocked in this process the subtance  keep fliping up and down untill neither the air coming is stop allowing it to pass through then he or she can breath out and then take it in,in  this way the problem is easly sloved.then after the person

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