Thursday 9 June 2016

How to know if you are a sleepwalker

How do you know if you are a sleepwalker? Below are 8 signs to watch out for:
1. Lack of awareness of the bigger picture.
What is life to you? Is it about going to school/work, going home, eating, sleeping, and having fun in between? Unlike what some may think, the boundaries of life are beyond what comes within your direct sphere of contact. There is a far bigger world out there, outside of you, your work, your family, friends and religion. Sleepwalkers are not aware of their life as part of a bigger context. They do not realize their life is part of the whole universe, part of the whole spectrum of human history and part of something greater than what they see every day. What do you think of your life in terms of?
2. Not living in alignment with real purpose.
Do you know what your purpose in life is? Do you have a clear vision of how you want your life to be 5 years, 15 years, 30 years from now? Or is it fuzzy and undetermined? Sleepwalkers are not aware of what their purpose in life is. They have ambiguous, sketchy purposes which they were fed with at some point in their lives– and they are not fully convinced of it themselves either. Some have an idea of their dreams and goals, but they put it in the back burner in pursuit of other things that others expect them to do in life.
3. Life runs on auto-pilot.
Are you caught in the loop of ‘going through the motions’ or ‘running the rat race’? Sleepwalkers live their lives in automated mode, repeating the same activities daily with no conscious control over them. They drone through the weekdays, looking forward to Fridays and weekends, where they recharge themselves for yet another dead week ahead. This cycle continues week after week, with no end. They are too comfortably snuggled in the cycle to do anything about it.
Occasionally events happen which derails the motion, such as the transition to a different life phase, changing careers, loss of a job, etc. This is also referred to as the mid-life crisis. When this happens, they get a wake up call. They start realizing that they have not really been living their life. At this point, some may start taking direct action on their lives. Some choose to scurry back into their rat wheel, convincing themselves that their current life is the best one.