Saturday 3 September 2016

MMM nigeria full force is here

Is MMM really a scam? 
Is it a scam to have a system that brings a community of people together that financially help one another, willfully, without being forced? 
Is it a scam to have a system that creates a platform for individuals to combat poverty at its core?
We always say fighting poverty is a collective effort; Now instead of people stealing, cheating or robbing they join their hands in good heart to provide financially help to one another, is that scamming really?
Is it a scam to see families that couldn't afford to bring food on the table now able because of the financial help they have received from other nembers?
Is it a scam to see students who couldn't afford to have pocket money and monthly allowances in tertiary institutions now able to afford because of MMM? 
Is it a scam to see entrepreneurs rising from the capital money raised through MMM and in return they contribute to the economic growth of this country and create employment to thousands? 
I will tell you what a scam is? 
A real scam is to hinder people to their financial freedom yet encourage them to keep borrowing from your system so that they work for you and pay the rest of their lives if they live that long... 
A real scam is to have someone work 40 years of his/her life and after retirement that person must take the fruit of his/her years of hard labour and pay the debts and bonds that refused to end because of ever increasing interest rates. 
A scam is when your bank sends you an sms alert to inform you that you have earned #0. 50 on your money, and later charge you #4. 00 on the sms alert. Your bank also charges you exorbitantly every month on something you know nothing about ; and there's nothing you can do other than to keep quiet because you have no choice. 
A scam is when your mobile network provider charges you on the service you never make a request for (caller tunes, news updates, etc) 
Working for a government and being paid the same salary as when 1 Dollar was N165 till now is a scam. 
Working for government for years without promotion is a scam. 
Working for so long and just getting a sack letter or retiring broke and in debt is a scam. 
Serving your country for one year and crying to get a job is a scam. 
Not being paid salaries for 5 months or more is a SCAM. 
Not being able to transfer your job to your children is a SCAM. 
Spending 6 years in Primary school, 6 years in Secondary School, 4, 5, 6 years in Higher Institution, 1 year Internship (for some) 1year of NYSC and at the end you still roam about looking for non-existing job is the REAL Scam. 
Meanwhile someone somewhere is enjoying financial freedom, making millions, driving brand new cars etc all in joining MMM without submitting CV, NYSC discharge Certificate etc....and people still say it's a scam? 
Is it therefore a scam to have a system that produces people that can afford to buy a house they could have paid for 20 years in cash had such a system not been introduced? 
Is MMM a scam? You can make your own judgment as to who a real scammer is. 
1.Meaning of MMM?
• Mavrodi Mondial Movement
2. Function and duties of MMM?
• MMM gives you a technical platform which helps millions of participants worldwide to connect those who NEED HELP to those who are ready to PROVIDE HELP, for FREE.
3. Purpose of MMM?
• To reduce and break the chain of slavery in financial institution where depositor are being enslaved by their own money, where bankers lives large and healthy on our deposit while depositors lives on credit and loan.
• To reduce stratification and reduce wide gap between the Rich and the poor indiscriminately.
4. Who is behind it?
• Sergey Mavrodi
5. Is mmm legal?
• There is no law backing donation as illegal. So, it’s legal to donate to one another
6. Is your money guaranteed?
• There are no guarantees and promises. Neither explicit nor implicit.
7. What does the initiator gets in return?
• Loyalty, money from traffic (over 2 million people access the site in a day)
8. How is the community managed?
• From money got or raised from the traffic
• They also continue to PH and GH
9. Who manages it and where does the money comes from? Site subscription etc.?
• The community is managed by continuous PH and GH that is, YOU and ME which guarantees the number of traffic per day
10. Where does the 30% comes from?
• It is gotten from the donations made by the community. For instance,
Titi deposited #1,000,000 in the bank while Tola, Bola, Tunde came to withdraw their savings of #200,000, #150,000, #500,000 respectively meanwhile, an interest of 1,000, 1200, 2500 respectively was added to their money after it has lasted for more than 2months in the bank.
So, Titi’s money was used to pay the 3 of them regardless of ‘WHO, WHEN and HOW’. This implies that both interest and capital received are from the deposits made. Only in some exceptional case where money are fixed for a long time.
So in MMM it’s similar, all rewards comes from continuous PH and GH.
MMM has over 10 safety nets which will never make it crash. And you Never notice  But I will mention 10 out of them.
*1, Pause mode*
*2, 14 days defrost*
*3, Extension of the getting help hours*
*4, Seeking help from neighboring country*
*5, No central account attached*
*7,  Peer to peer  system*
*8,  Guider's efforts*
*9   PH match hours extension*
*10, Website upgrades and security*
*1, Pause mode*
This process is applied when the numbers of the people getting help is greater than the people help. The system will pause the GH transactions and allow more PH to come into the system for the duration of 2 and half months, then the system will now restart.
PH means provide help and the GH means get help
*2, 14 days defrost*
The participants will not be able to withdraw their money until after 14 days when the payments have been confirmed. During this process, more PH would have come into the system therefore there would be pool of cash to pay the old participants.
*3, Extension of GH hours*
this occur when there is a public holidays when the banks are not working therefore,  there won't be transaction and it may cause the problem to the system. The system will now extend the hours of the people who are getting help at that period to allow more People providing help into the system.
*4, Help seeking from neighboring country*
When there are more GH than PH in a country, MMM will look into the other countries which are doing well and match them together, pending the time that the affected country will be OK.
*6, No central account attached*
MMM  does not have a certain account that we are sending to. MMM doesn't collect your money.
*7, Peer to peer system*
Participants pay directly to the bank account of the other participants seeking help
*8, Guider's efforts*
Guiders are the heartbeat of MMM, guiders make sure each and everyone in MMM understand the Ideology of MMM and how it works
*9, PH  match hours extension*
When the system finds out that there are more GH than PH,  the system will extend the hour of old PH so that to hold down their order matches duration and during this period, the system will allow more new PH to come into the system to get it balanced.
*10, Website upgrades and security*
MMM spends million of dollars in taking care of their website to cub online fraud in MMM, such as scam and other threat's