Wednesday 5 December 2018

France gov. Suspend the increase of fuel tax

France 🇫🇷Announces 6-Month Suspension of Fuel Tax Hikes After Nationwide Riots

The French government plans to freeze upcoming increases on regulated electricity and gas prices in the wake of protests over rising costs of living, lawmakers in the ruling Republic on the Move
party said. Stricter vehicle emission controls set to kick in in January 2019 will also be suspended, one of the demands of the "yellow vest" movement which erupted last month, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe told lawmakers before a televised address later Tuesday.

The demonstrations, which degenerated into street clashes and vandalism in Paris over the weekend, erupted last month over the fuel taxes which are financing France's anti-pollution efforts. Originally spurred by the soaring cost of fuel this year, they quickly ballooned into a wider revolt over President Emmanuel Macron, accused of pursuing policies which hit low-income households particularly hard.

Halting the fuel tax increase was one of the main demands listed by "yellow vest" leaders, alongside a higher minimum wage and the return of a wealth tax on high-earners, abolished last year.

Macron made the decision to suspend the 2019 fuel tax hikes late Monday, the sources said after his government spent the day meeting with leaders from all of France's political parties.

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